Town of Fletcher, North Carolina

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions:


Will the Fletcher Police provide extra patrols around my home when I am away on vacation?

Yes, you can request an extra patrol in the area of your home if you are planning to be away for an extended time, such as a vacation. The Fletcher Police provide no guarantee from loss based upon this courtesy service. We will try to provide such service as resources allow, but do not promise any degree or level of protection for your property.

To request a House Check please visit our House Check Request page or click here.


What phone number do I call for non-emergency police services?

If you require an immediate police response, for either an emergency or non-emergency related service call, then you should call 911. You will speak with a telecommunications officer from the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office. You will provide them details as to the reason for needing police services and they will dispatch an officer to assist you.

The Fletcher Police administrative line, 828-687-7922 can be used to ask questions or make inquiries into a matter that does not require an immediate police response. Examples may include: questions about the status of a previous investigation, to speak with a specifically identified officer, to offer a compliment or complaint, or to seek clarification on types of services provided by the Fletcher Police.

The Fletcher Police administrative line, 828-687-7922 is typically available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.


When should I report suspicious activity?

If you observe activity that you feel is suspicious in nature, call 911 as soon as possible. Be prepared to provide details of the suspicious activity, the location, and any description of persons or vehicles. You do not have to provide your name. The Fletcher Police will respond to investigate the activity as soon as possible. You are most familiar with your neighborhood, so if it seems suspicious to you, it probably is. If you see something, say something.


Are solicitors required to have a permit?

 Yes, according to Municipal Ordinance 111.050 (B) (1) a Door-to-door residential salesmen shall be a merchant who travels from door to door in a residential area or to a private home with the intent to sell an inventory of goods, who has the goods on his or her person or offers the goods for delivery at a later date by the merchant’s designee.

Door-to-door residential salespersons must receive a permit from the Tax Collector to operate within the town limits.  The permit will be valid for 5 working days and must be renewed after each 5-day period. The cost of this permit shall be $5 for each permit.

Generally, a person who operates a nonprofit, charitable, educational, religious, or civil organization is exempt from paying the permit tax, though a permit is still required (Municipal Ordinance 111.019 (D)).

The majority of door-to-door solicitors are legitimate business people who understand the challenges of selling door-to-door and accept “no” for an answer if their product or service is not desired by the person being solicited. There are however, solicitors who attempt to intimidate by yelling or coercing residents into buying their product, preying mostly on the elderly or non-confrontational customers. Such conduct is unacceptable and unlawful.

We encourage residents to ask solicitors to show their Town approved permit before engaging in any business with a solicitor. We also encourage citizens to call the police if they feel harassed, uncomfortable, or the solicitor cannot visibly show their Town approved permit. A police officer will respond to such complaints and ensure solicitors are adhering to Town regulations.


Does the Fletcher Police provide fingerprint services?

The Fletcher Police Department does not provide fingerprint services. They can be obtained however from:

The Henderson County Sheriff’s Office, 828-697-4596, 100 N. Grove St., Hendersonville, NC on Tuesday between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm and Thursday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. You will need to make an appointment on the Sheriff’s website at

There will be links on the left side of the page.

Click on: Resources/Information

Click on: Non-weapon fingerprinting

Read the instructions on the page

Click on the blue button to start the process


Fingerprint services may also be obtained through the Buncombe County Bureau of Identification, 828-250-4665, 20 Davidson Drive, Asheville, NC. Appointments are required.


Where can I dispose of unwanted prescription medications?

The Fletcher Police Department has a prescription pill drop box located in the lobby of the police department. Residents can safely dispose of their unused and unwanted medications without having to travel any significant distance. This service reduces drug overdoses and drug abuse by reducing the amount of medications in our community and helps to protect the environment by keeping medications out of the water supply.

This service is available Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

Pills and other unused medications, to include powdered and liquid medications, should be transported to the Fletcher Police Department in their regular prescription containers.

Residents should go to the front desk of the police department where an officer will assist the resident in submitting their unused medications for disposal.

Syringes, needles, and chemotherapy medications cannot be accepted. Information on disposing of syringes, needles, and other sharps can be found at

Are dog owners required to keep their dog on a leash?

Yes, it is considered a nuisance and a violation of town ordinance to allow a dog to go unleashed in a public place.

Municipal Ordinance 95.07(B) states: Animal behavior constituting a nuisance. It shall be unlawful for an owner to permit an animal to habitually do the following, but not limited to: chase bicycles, motor vehicles or pedestrians, damage private or public property, turn over garbage cans, deposit feces on another’s private property or on public property, or be an animal running at-large. The prohibition against running at-large does not apply to animals in designated off-leash areas.

An animal “running at large” is defined as: An animal:

      (1)   Not on the owner’s property;

      (2)   Not under control of a competent person or unrestrained by a leash or harness; or

      (3)   Not controlled by other similar physical means.


Does the Fletcher Police issue gun permits?

The Fletcher Police Department does not issue gun permits. These may be applied for through the Sheriff’s Office at


How can I obtain a copy of an accident report?

You can obtain an accident report by any of the following:

Calling the police department administrative line at 828-687-7922 to request a copy of the report be mailed to you.

Requesting a copy in person at the police department on the lower level of Fletcher Town Hall on Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm.

Or by sending an email request to and providing the following:

  • Accident report number
  • Date and time of accident
  • Last name of person involved in the accident

Please note: It takes 3-5 business days to process the accident report, therefore you should not expect to obtain the report prior to then.


How do I apply for employment with the Fletcher Police Department?

To be considered for employment as a sworn police officer with the Fletcher Police Department, an applicant must have BLET (Basic Law Enforcement Training) certification through North Carolina Criminal Justice Training & Standards.

To see if there are any present position openings with the Fletcher Police Department click here.

The Fletcher Police Department will, regardless of any present position openings, accept applications year round. The Application is valid for six months.

 The Town requires that all applicants submit an application. Applications may be submitted online, in person or by mail (300 Old Cane Creek Road, Fletcher NC 28732). To download the job application please click here or visit the Human Resources Page at

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