Town of Fletcher, North Carolina

Property Taxes

Fletcher is a municipality that provides additional services to Fletcher residents.  Anyone living within the Town Limits currently pays property taxes of $0.28 per $100 of the appraised value. They also pay taxes to Henderson County at a rate of $0.431 per $100 of the appraised value.

Fletcher taxes support police and Fire protection, garbage pickup, brush pick-up, seasonal leaf collection, street maintenance, recycling, street lighting, use of Town parks and a reduced rate on recreational activities.

Click here to pay online with Credit/Debit cards.

When paying online, a convenience fee is assessed for your credit card or debit card payment. This fee is paid to PayPal, not to the Town of Fletcher. This fee is not part of your tax, and the Town of Fletcher will not receive any portion of the fee associated with this payment service.

The amount of the fee and the total amount to be charged will be disclosed to you prior to you providing your credit card information. You will have the option to cancel the transaction prior to any charge being processed. Payments made online may take up to 3 business days to reflect online. You will always be credited for payment on the date you make payment.

To calculate the convenience fees generated by PayPal please use the following formula:

fees = ((amount + 0.49 per transaction) / 0.9651) – amount

The amount of the fee and the total amount to be charged will be disclosed to you prior to you providing your credit card information. You will have the option to cancel the transaction prior to any charge being processed.

* Remember: Cash, Check, and Money Orders are always accepted on timely payments in our office with no additional fees.




Featured News

Pay Property Taxes Online

Posted on 12/09/2024

You can now pay your taxes online with a credit or debit card, please click here to visit the online payment site. Please note that when paying online, a convenience fee is…

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Leaf Pickup Resumes

Posted on 12/04/2024

The Town of Fletcher will begin picking up bagged leaves on Monday, December 2 and continue through the month of December.  The leaves must be bagged.  To make your leaf pickup request,…

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Holiday Schedule

Posted on 12/02/2024

Town of Fletcher Holiday Schedule Fletcher Town offices will be closed the following days due to holiday observances.  Please note these changes in trash and recycling pickup schedules: Christmas Eve– Tuesday, December…

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Storm Debris Pick-Up

Posted on 10/30/2024

Henderson County will provide free curbside storm debris to county residents. The county is working with SDR (Southern Disaster Recovery) to pick up all storm debris on DOT, municipal, and private roads….

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